
Cream of Pumpkin

Hi girls, today I want to offer you a very special cream that I created thinking about how to make my son eat some vegetables.

It is a quick and simple recipe and above all the pumpkin is excellent because it is low in calories.


  • 1 kg of pumpkin
  • 200 gr of potatoes
  • 50 gr of peas
  • 2 slices of bresaola
  • toast

In a saucepan, boil the pumpkin, potatoes and peas.

Once cooked, put everything in a mixer and blend (if you like you can also add a pinch of curry).

At this point the cream is ready, place it in a bowl or bowl and add the bresaola cut into fillets and the croutons as a garnish that will give the dish the crunchy part.

Very light, without the addition of fatty parts and also excellent in the evening, especially in winter served hot.


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