

Girls and moms, do you need a quick, fresh and light idea?
I love this dish because it is prepared in a very short time and is excellent in both summer and winter.
- 1 zucchini

- 1 mozzarella

- extra virgin olive oil
Wash and cut the courgettes into cubes, put them in a pan with a drizzle of oil to cook and when they begin to be soft you can remove from the heat.
I personally add a little curry to it during cooking to give it more flavor, since I cook with very little salt.
Take the mozzarella and carve it on top by digging with a spoon to form a "hollow". You can cut the inside of the mozzarella into cubes.

Now place the zucchini and the remaining pieces inside the mozzarella.
A drizzle of oil and the dish is ready !!
Let me know your feedback !! :)


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