Coco Chanel

Today girls I want to tell you about one of my favorite stylists: COCO CHANEL

I love her because she was a woman of character, whimsical and who was able to make a change in women's clothing.

Born in France, she was able to create her own empire, bringing and bringing new shapes and lines to women's garments.

His style is still timeless and very fashionable, always current.

The nickname COCO was given to her by the one who would be the great love of her life, Etienne Balsan and perfume N ° 5 derives from the fact that among the twenty fragrances that were proposed to her she chose number 5.

One of his most famous phrases is:


I love her for this very reason, for her independence, for her passion that she has carried on without ever ceasing to believe and the ability to question herself while remaining true to herself.


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